peak bariatric

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Requirements and How Long it Takes

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a type of weight loss surgery that is becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of severe obesity. This procedure involves the removal of a portion of the stomach, resulting in a smaller, tube-like shape. The benefits of gastric sleeve surgery include significant weight loss and improved health outcomes, but it is important to note that it is a major surgery and carries potential risks and complications.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Definition

During gastric sleeve surgery, approximately 80% of the stomach is removed, leaving a smaller, tube-like “sleeve” in its place. This reduction in stomach size helps to induce weight loss by limiting the amount of food that can be consumed. In addition to this, the procedure also reduces the production of hunger hormones, leading to a decrease in appetite and cravings. Overall, gastric sleeve surgery is a type of bariatric surgery that can be effective in treating severe obesity by helping patients achieve significant weight loss.

How long is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a relatively short and straightforward weight loss surgery procedure that typically takes between 60 to 90 minutes to complete. During the procedure, the surgeon will remove a large portion of the stomach, leaving behind a smaller, tube-like “sleeve” that is about the size and shape of a banana. This reduction in stomach size helps to induce weight loss by limiting the amount of food that can be consumed.

After the surgery, patients are usually required to stay in the hospital for a few days in order to be monitored by the medical team and to manage any potential side effects. This helps to ensure that the patient is recovering well and that any issues that may arise can be addressed promptly. Overall, gastric sleeve surgery can be an effective treatment for severe obesity, but it is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits of the procedure and to follow the post-surgery care instructions provided by your healthcare team.

Gastric Sleeve Requirements

Gastric sleeve surgery is not a procedure that is available to everyone. In order to qualify for this weight loss surgery, individuals must meet certain requirements. These requirements include:

  • Severe obesity: This surgery is typically only offered to individuals with severe obesity, which is classified as a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 with one or more health conditions.
  • Failure to lose weight through other methods: If you have tried to lose weight through other methods and have been unsuccessful, you may be considered for gastric sleeve surgery. However, you may be required to follow a medically supervised weight loss plan for several months before the surgery is approved by your insurance company.
  • Physical and mental readiness: Before undergoing surgery, it is important to be both physically and mentally prepared. A team of medical professionals, including dietitians and psychologists, will meet with you to provide counseling and screenings to ensure you are ready for the procedure.

Overall, gastric sleeve surgery is a major procedure that is reserved for individuals with severe obesity who have been unable to achieve weight loss through other methods. It is important to carefully consider whether this surgery is right for you, and to be fully prepared both physically and mentally before undergoing the procedure.

What should a Gastric Sleeve Patient Do Before a Procedure?

Gastric sleeve surgery is not appropriate for everyone, and it is important to carefully consider whether it is the right option for you. The healthcare team will evaluate whether you are a good candidate for the procedure and whether it is the best option based on your specific circumstances.

Before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, you will need to complete an education program that will help you understand what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. This may include nutritional counseling, psychological evaluation, physical tests and exams, blood tests, and possibly an upper endoscopy or imaging of the stomach. You may also be asked to stop smoking for several months before the surgery, and you may be asked to lose some weight before the procedure to make the liver smaller and safer to operate on. You may also be asked to stop taking blood-thinning medications before the surgery.

On the day before the surgery, you will likely be asked to stop eating and drinking after midnight. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your surgeon and healthcare team carefully to ensure a smooth and successful surgery.

Advice For Gastric Sleeve Patients

If you are considering or have recently undergone gastric sleeve surgery, there are a few important things to keep in mind to help ensure a successful outcome:

  1. Follow your surgeon’s instructions: It is important to follow the post-surgery care instructions provided by your surgeon and healthcare team closely. This may include taking prescribed medications, following a specific diet, and getting plenty of rest.
  2. Eat a healthy diet: After gastric sleeve surgery, your stomach will be much smaller and you will need to eat smaller, more frequent meals. It is important to focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet that is high in protein and low in refined carbohydrates and sugar.
  3. Get plenty of exercise: Exercise can help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery. Your healthcare team will provide guidance on how much and what type of exercise is appropriate for you.
  4. Stay hydrated: It is important to drink plenty of fluids after gastric sleeve surgery to help prevent dehydration and ensure that you are getting enough nutrients.
  5. Seek support: It can be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a support group as you adjust to life after gastric sleeve surgery.

Overall, it is important to follow the instructions provided by your surgeon and healthcare team, eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, stay hydrated, and seek support to help ensure a successful outcome after gastric sleeve surgery.