peak bariatric

gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass

Gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery are both types of bariatric surgery, which are procedures that are used to help people with obesity lose weight. Both procedures involve making changes to the digestive system to help people eat less and feel full more quickly, which can lead to weight loss.

The main difference between the two procedures is how they work. Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing a large portion of the stomach and creating a smaller, tube-shaped stomach. This smaller stomach is about the size of a banana and can hold only a small amount of food, which can help people feel full more quickly and eat less.

Gastric bypass surgery, on the other hand, involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and attaching it directly to the small intestine. This bypasses a large portion of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine, which reduces the amount of food and calories the body absorbs.

Both gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery can be effective for weight loss, but they have different risks and benefits. Gastric sleeve surgery is generally less invasive than gastric bypass surgery and has a shorter recovery time, but it may not be as effective at achieving long-term weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery may be more effective at achieving long-term weight loss, but it is a more complex procedure with a longer recovery time and a higher risk of complications.

Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. It’s important to discuss the options with your doctor and consider factors such as your overall health, the severity of your obesity, and your goals for weight loss.